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Higgins Capital Management, Inc.

7 Proven Money Rules I Wish I Learned in My 30s

The world of investing has been marked by numerous bull and bear markets. Throughout this rollercoaster ride, certain fundamental truths about investing have emerged, standing resilient against the test of time. These seven time-proven rules serve as guiding principles for any investor looking to navigate the complexities of the financial markets.

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First and foremost, investors must adhere to the principle of "Know Thyself." This involves a deep understanding of one's risk tolerance, investment timeline, and financial goals. Similar to wearing shoes that are the wrong size, investing without considering one's personality can be painful and unsustainable. Tailoring investment strategies to align with individual risk appetite and goals not only leads to informed decision-making but also provides emotional stability during turbulent market conditions.

A second imperative rule is encapsulated in the phrase "Diversify, Diversify, Diversify." This rule advises against putting all eggs in one basket and emphasizes the importance of spreading investments across asset classes, sectors, and geographies to mitigate risk. History is replete with cautionary tales of single-asset bets gone wrong, and diversification serves as a shield against market volatility, offering protection from sector-specific meltdowns. It's akin to building a robust, weather-resistant portfolio.

The third rule underscores the concept that "Time is Your Ally." The longer an investor remains in the market, the more compounding interest works its magic. While short-term excitement exists, real wealth-building occurs over extended periods. Starting early and staying invested allows compounding to transform small investments into substantial fortunes.

The fourth rule advocates for investors to "Control What You Can, Ignore the Rest." Focusing on factors within one's control, such as asset allocation and savings rate, is crucial. Predicting market movements or economic turmoil is akin to wrestling a greased pig—futile and frustrating. By concentrating on controllable elements, investors gain a sense of empowerment and can better manage emotions during market fluctuations.

The fifth rule advises investors not to overlook the impact of central bank policies and interest rates, encapsulated in the phrase "Don't Fight the Fed." The Federal Reserve's influence on the market is significant, and aligning investment strategies with prevailing economic conditions is paramount. Ignoring the Fed's moves can expose a portfolio to unexpected crosswinds, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach.

The sixth rule reminds investors that "Fear is Your Enemy, Greed is Your Downfall." Emotional reactions, such as panic selling during downturns or chasing hot trends fueled by greed, can lead to disappointment. Successful investing requires a level-headed approach, where rational decision-making prevails over emotional impulses. Sticking to a long-term plan amidst market noise is key to sustained success.

Finally, the seventh rule encourages investors to "Learn from Every Trade, Win or Lose." Each investment, regardless of outcome, provides valuable lessons. Analyzing successes and failures helps refine investment strategies and contributes to becoming a more adept investor. Continuous learning from experience, both positive and negative, fosters wisdom and adaptability over time.

In conclusion, these seven time-proven rules encapsulate the essence of successful investing. They serve as a compass, guiding investors through the complexities of the financial markets, providing a framework for informed decision-making, and fostering resilience in the face of market uncertainties. Embracing these principles positions investors to navigate the dynamic landscape of Wall Street with confidence and poise.

The information contained in this Higgins Capital communication is provided for information purposes and is not a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments in any jurisdiction. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

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learning from every trade