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Higgins Capital Management, Inc.

Love and Money: 8 Ways to Manage Your Finances as a Couple

Couples have various ways to structure their finances based on their preferences and circumstances. Here are 8 examples of how cohabitating couples may choose to manage their finances:

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1 Joint Everything: Combine all income and expenses into a single joint account. This approach promotes complete financial transparency and shared responsibility.

2 Proportional Contribution: Each partner contributes a percentage of their income to joint expenses based on their earnings. This ensures that the financial burden is distributed fairly.

3 Yours, Mine, Ours: Maintain separate individual accounts for personal spending and have a joint account for shared expenses. This method allows for some independence while also managing common financial goals.

4 Equal Allowances: Allocate an equal amount of money to each partner for personal spending after joint expenses are covered. This provides both individuals with a sense of financial autonomy.

5 Financial Committees: Create a system where both partners review and decide on major financial decisions together, treating it as a joint venture while maintaining individual accounts.

6 Task-Based Budgeting: Assign specific financial responsibilities to each partner, such as one handling rent/mortgage and the other utilities. This approach allows for a clear division of financial responsibilities.

7 Income Pools: Combine a portion of both partners' incomes into a joint account for shared expenses while keeping the remaining income separate for personal use. This allows for shared responsibility without complete financial merging.

8 Automatic Savings: Set up automated transfers to joint savings accounts for specific goals, such as vacations, home purchases, or retirement, ensuring that both partners contribute consistently.

Ultimately, the key is for the couple to communicate openly about their financial expectations, goals, and preferences.

Finding a mutually acceptable system, that works for both parties, removes uncertainty and establishes rights and responsibilities for both. There’s an old saying is that money, sex, religion and how to raise children are common hurdles facing all couples. Having a formalized system for money provides a degree of stability that allows couples to focus on what is really important.