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Higgins Capital Management, Inc.


Today is Native American Day.

Debbie is a card-carrying member of the Monacan Indian Nation. Yep, with her blue eyes!

… never heard of the Monacans??

They were a sister tribe to the Powhatan Tribe of Pocahantas fame. Both tribes met the English settlers of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

The tribe lived in the Virginia tidewater for thousands of years before the establishment of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1824. The Bureau was focused on the Sioux, Comanche and Navajo.

So the Monacans never got media attention or entry into school history books.

The Tribe actively supported the American Revolution. They joined with their colonial neighbors to throw off the yoke of British oppression.

Debbie’s ancestors fought with George Washington.

Tribal members cherish their honored tradition of military service to the United States.

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Ray Higgins San Diego