Institutional Consulting Services

We offer a range of consulting services tailored to the specific needs and objectives of institutional clients. These include:

Portfolio Management Consulting: Provide guidance on constructing and managing investment portfolios that align with your risk tolerance, return objectives and time horizon.

Risk Assessment and Management: Conduct risk assessments and implementation of risk management strategies to protect your investments.

Performance Analysis and Reporting: Analyze portfolio performance, attribution analysis, and generate customized reports to track progress toward investment goals.

Manager Selection and Due Diligence: Identify and evaluate third-party investment managers, including mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity firms.

Economic and Market Research: Provide in-depth economic and market research to inform investment decisions and strategies.

Cash Management: Advise  on cash management strategies to optimize liquidity while preserving capital.

Education and Training: Offer educational workshops and training sessions for institutional clients and their staff on investment-related topics.

Liquidity Management: Developing strategies to manage liquidity needs, especially for local governments, nonprofits, endowments and foundations.