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Higgins Capital Management, Inc.


Stock Market Reversal: FOMO or Keep Your Powder Dry?

After a robust first half of 2024, the stock market has experienced a significant selloff, catching many investors off guard. This serves as a reminder that investing is never without risks. The confluence of economic uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, and valuation concerns has created a challenging environment for investors. However, this period of reassessment also presents opportunities for those who can navigate the volatility.
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Online Financial Advice is (Mostly) Garbage

In the digital age, the accessibility of information has dramatically increased, but so has the proliferation of misleading or outright incorrect advice. This is especially true in the realm of financial advice.
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San Diego High Rise Commercial Real Estate; Mid-Year 2024 Report

The commercial real estate high-rise market in San Diego County continues to navigate a challenging landscape shaped by economic shifts, technological advancements, and evolving tenant preferences.Watch the video here:San Diego's commercial real estate high-rise market has shown resilience in the face of significant challenges.
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Debate Fallout: Investing In Dangerous Times

Debate Fallout: Investing In Dangerous Times Last week’s Presidential Debate was a seminal event that will have far reaching impact.
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Gaslighting The American Investor

Investors rely on accurate, transparent data to make informed decisions. However, in recent years, concerns have emerged regarding the integrity of economic data released by federal agencies. These concerns suggest that politicized federal agencies may have altered underlying accounting formulas to present a rosier picture of the economy than what would be revealed using original formulas.
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Private Equity Is The Party Over?

Private Equity industry leaders are now declaring that the sector has moved beyond its high-water mark, entering a period of heightened risk and complexity.
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Investing ... How Much Are You Willing to Lose?

Investment management is the art and science of balancing risk and reward, constantly walking the tightrope between aggressive gains and protective caution.
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Is AI Fraud? Is Corporate America Trying to Fool You?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been heralded as the next revolutionary technology, promising to transform industries, redefine productivity, and reshape our daily lives. Corporate America, recognizing the financial potential of AI, has invested billions into its development and marketing. However, behind the glitzy presentations and ambitious claims lies a troubling reality: much of what is being touted as groundbreaking AI advancements are, in fact, exaggerated.
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Stock Market Returns In The Year After Presidential Elections

In this post we’ll examine how stocks have performed since the 1920 elections.
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Federal Reserve Meeting Report: Higher For Longer

The Fed ended its June meeting yesterday. My take on the usually opaque meeting report is that it was as benign as you could expect for a late stage election year. My call is that the Fed will hold interest rates steady till at least after the election if not through the remainder of 2024.
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Playing Catch Up On Retirement Savings

Retirement planning is a critical aspect of financial management, and many find themselves facing the daunting realization that their retirement savings are underfunded. The need to catch up becomes pressing, especially for those who are closer to their retirement age and have limited time to build a sufficient nest egg.
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3 Essential Steps to Ensure Financial Freedom

Congratulations on following the foundational steps and establishing a solid financial foundation.
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Your Financial Advisor's Investment Tips For The Election Year

Election year! That chaotic carnival of mudslinging, lofty promises, and endless punditry. For the investment-savvy, risk-taking, politically sophisticated renaissance man-person, it's the perfect storm of opportunity and absurdity.
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Beware Commercial REITS: A Deep Dive Into Market Disruptions

The commercial real estate (CRE) market is facing profound disruptions, particularly in the office space sector. Companies are abandoning office spaces en masse, seeking to downsize and reduce unused real estate. This shift has driven office availability rates in major cities to unprecedented levels, with some areas experiencing rates as high as 30%.
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Why June is Considered the Worst Month for the Stock Market

The US stock market is known for its volatility, with various factors influencing its performance throughout the year. Among the twelve months, June has historically been considered the worst month for the US stock market.
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The #1 Threat Facing Your Retirement

In today's economic climate, there are numerous challenges that can jeopardize your retirement plans. However, the most significant threat to your golden years is the overly rich valuation of financial assets.
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5 Reasons To Never Do A Roth IRA Conversion

A Roth IRA conversion, while tempting for its promise of tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, is not always the best choice for every investor.
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The Demographic Tsunami: Riding The Wave of An Ageing Population

Demographic changes are profoundly shaping the landscape of US investments, driving significant shifts in market dynamics and investment strategies. With an aging population and the evolving needs of younger generations, investors must navigate these trends to identify growth opportunities and manage risks. This demographic divergence influences various sectors, such as healthcare, technology, and infrastructure, necessitating a reevaluation of traditional investment portfolios.
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Busted in Retirement: The Tragicomedy of Financial Illiteracy

In the grand theater of life, the DIY investor emerges as a central character, a well-intentioned but often misguided soul navigating the complex world of personal finance.
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The Dow Hits 40,000: What’s Next?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has reached a significant milestone, surging above the historic 40,000 mark in late morning and early afternoon trading.
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The 5 Phases of Retirement: The Emotional and Psychological Journey

Retirement is a unique experience for everyone, but there is a common pattern that almost all retirements follow. There are distinct phases, each with its own challenges and opportunities. While the financial side of retirement is often discussed, the psychological and emotional aspects are not as frequently addressed.
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The Best Retirement Withdrawal Strategies for Optimizing a Secure Future

Retirement marks the end of a long career and the beginning of a well-deserved reward for years of hard work.
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Outliving Your Money: How to Avoid Longevity Risk in Retirement

Retirement is a time when individuals hope to enjoy the fruits of their labor, but it can also be a period of great concern, particularly when it comes to the risk of outliving one's savings. This fear, known as longevity risk, is a growing challenge as life expectancies continue to rise.
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Leaving California, The Emotional Impact

The decision to leave California after living in the state for an extended period can be a life-altering choice with significant emotional implications.
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Death and Taxes, Deal With It

We live in a world where financial planning is as complex as ever, influencers and financial gurus often peddle convoluted schemes promising to minimize taxes during the golden years. From intricate investment structures to offshore accounts, the allure of paying less to Uncle Sam can be tantalizing.
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9 Retirement Investing Tips from Your Financial Advisor

Seasoned investors approach retirement planning with a nuanced perspective, considering various facets of financial management for a secure and fulfilling post-career life. This guide explores key considerations that shape the retirement investing landscape for experienced individuals.
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Groundhog Day Investing - Déjà vu All Over Again

War, Democrat Party Spoiler, Nifty vs Mags, Yippies vs Pro Palestine, Inflation, 1968 Markets returned 7.7%; cash is king during uncertain times, having a large cash position in 5% money markets may be a prudent investment approach in planning for future opportunity us US assets, reasons for optimism.
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Buying Gold: Survivalism vs Investing

In today's investment landscape, the allure of gold shines brightly, especially amidst discussions of diversification away from traditional markets.
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It's The Fed, Stupid; The Fed Disappoints Wall Street

It's The Fed, Stupid; The Fed Disappoints Wall Street. In 2024, Wall Street faces frustration as the Federal Reserve maintains its firm stance on monetary policy, echoing the sentiment: "It's the Fed, stupid."
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Stock Market Selloff: What's Driven The April Downturn?

There are several potential reasons why the US stock market experienced a selloff in April 2024 after a strong first quarter.
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Understanding Bond Ladder Investing: A Comprehensive Guide

Bond ladders provide investors with a strategic approach to fixed-income investing, offering a steady income stream, reduced interest rate risk, and increased flexibility.
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The Impact of Dividend Cuts on Your Investment Income

Dividend income has long been a reliable source of investment returns, particularly for those seeking a steady stream of passive income. However, the stability of dividend income is not guaranteed, and investors must be aware of the potential risks associated with dividend cuts.
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Protecting your stock portfolio from inflation risk

In this video, we'll explore the potential impact of persistent inflation and higher interest rates on US your investments.
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Dividends vs. Bond Coupons: Which Is Better for Retirement Income?

In the world of creating a passive income stream, dividends and bond coupons are two distinct sources that investors often rely on. While both dividends and coupons provide regular cash flows to investors, there are crucial differences between the two that can significantly impact the stability and reliability of your income stream.
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Why Roth IRA Conversions Should Be Approached With Caution

Traditional IRAs have long been a cornerstone of retirement planning, offering a range of benefits that make them an attractive choice for investors seeking financial security. While Roth IRAs and conversions have gained popularity, there are compelling reasons to approach these alternatives with caution.
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The Power of Secrecy: Advantages of Confidential Estate Planning

In an era where transparency is often championed as a virtue, there remains a compelling argument for maintaining discretion, especially concerning your estate plans.
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Why Bother With Retirement? Rethinking the Sunset Years for Driven Men

For decades, the prevailing narrative around retirement has painted it as the ultimate reward at the end of a long career - the promised land of relaxation, travel, and unlimited leisure time.
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Investors Reveal the Top 3 Challenges Facing the Stock Market Today

As an investor, you understand the importance of adapting your investment approach to navigate the ever-changing market landscape. Many investors see the Top 3 Headwinds as: 1 inflation, 2 geopolitical uncertainty and 3 concerns about market valuations.
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Mortgage Rates Surge Past 7% as Inflation Persists

The U.S. housing market has been grappling with a series of challenges over the past year, and the latest development is a stark reminder of the ongoing economic headwinds. Mortgage rates have once again surged past the 7% mark.
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Managing a Liquidity Event: A Comprehensive Guide

When experiencing a liquidity event, such as an IPO, acquisition, or sale of a significant asset, it's essential to have a well-planned approach to manage the complexities and maximize the benefits of your newfound financial freedom.
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Frustrated with Your 401k? Higgins Capital Will Manage It for You

As an investor you've experienced both success and failure in managing your 401k. But now you've come to the realization that managing your retirement investments is not as simple as you once believed.
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10 Critical Areas to Reassess in an 8% Interest Rate Environment

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan recently commented on the possibility of 8% interest rates. This should be taken seriously. 8% interest rates may be on the way. How will you cope?
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Bob Farrell's 10 Timeless Rules for Successful Investing

Bob Farrell, a renowned Wall Street Investment Strategist, has distilled his decades of experience into ten insightful rules that encapsulate the essence of market behavior and investor psychology. These rules serve as a valuable guide for navigating the complex and often unpredictable world of investing.
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Target Date Funds: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Target Date Funds: In today’s narrative of "set it and forget it" investing, investors are often told to trust the market. This is akin to leaving a newborn unattended or driving a car without checking the gas.
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Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing an Estate Executor

When creating an estate plan, selecting the right executor is a critical decision that can greatly impact the smooth and efficient settlement of your estate.
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Why Investors Must Brace for a Stock Market Correction

For decades, Wall Street has relied on the Federal Reserve's accommodative monetary policy and the "Fed Put," which has led to complacency among investors. However, as Fed Chair Jerome Powell channels Paul Volcker's spirit, investors must recognize the risk of a significant stock market correction.
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What to Do with Leftover 529 Plan Funds: Your Options Explained

For investors, managing leftover funds in a 529 plan requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Circumstances may arise where the designated beneficiary does not require the entire sum allocated for education. In such scenarios, exploring alternative options becomes imperative to optimize the use of these funds.
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Financial Panics and The Madness of The Crowd

Financial history is rife with narratives of speculative fervor followed by devastating market collapses. From the tulip mania of the 17th century to the recent cryptocurrency bubbles, these episodes underscore the volatile nature of markets.
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What Do You Bring to the Table? You're the Client

When it comes to the client-financial advisor relationship, the focus often lies on the advisor expertise and responsibilities. However, it's crucial to recognize that clients play an equally important role in shaping the success of the partnership.
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Protecting the Elderly from Financial Abuse: A Comprehensive Guide

Protecting the Elderly from Financial Abuse: A Comprehensive Guide. Financial abuse is a common problem among the elderly. Billions are lost annually due to this issue. Here are the top 3 issues.
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Building a Lasting Legacy: Incorporating Your Values into Estate Planning

Estate planning is not just about distributing your financial assets; it's about building a legacy that reflects your values and the essence of who you are.
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The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin Halving: Everything You Must Know

Understanding the intricacies of Bitcoin halving is crucial for making informed decisions and capitalizing on the potential opportunities that arise from this event. Bitcoin halving, which occurs approximately every four years, is a fundamental aspect of the design.
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9 Essential Factors to Consider Before Converting to a Roth IRA

As retirement investors seek to optimize their savings and minimize their tax burden, Roth IRA conversions have become an increasingly popular strategy. A Roth IRA conversion involves transferring funds from a traditional IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), into a Roth IRA.
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The Alarming Rise of 401k Hardship Withdrawals

The record-breaking surge in 401k hardship withdrawals is a disturbing trend that highlights the financial irresponsibility and lack of discipline among many American investors.
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The Future of Green Energy Investing

The past decade witnessed an unprecedented surge in investments in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and other green technologies.
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The Diversification Trap: How Over-Diversification is Killing Your Returns

Diversification has long been touted as the cornerstone of prudent investing, with the mantra don't put all your eggs in one basket. Watch the video.
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The Diversification Trap: How Over-Diversification is Killing Your Returns

Diversification has long been touted as the cornerstone of prudent investing, with the mantra "don't put all your eggs in one basket" echoing through the halls of wealth management firms. While diversification can indeed help mitigate risk, the overuse of this strategy in  investor portfolios can lead to lower performance.
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Concentrated Portfolios: The Bold Investment Strategy for Fearless Investors

A concentrated portfolio is an investment strategy that involves investing a significant portion of an individual's assets into a limited number of holdings, typically consisting of a small number of stocks, bonds, or other securities. This approach differs from the more common diversified portfolio strategy.
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10 Surprises Retirees Wish They Knew Before Retiring

Retirement is a significant milestone but it can also come with unexpected surprises. In this post I'll discuss the ten most common surprises that retirees discover after the fact.
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3 Essential Factors for a Fulfilling Retirement

Envisioning Your Retirement Lifestyle. When contemplating your retirement lifestyle, it's crucial to look beyond the surface-level aspects of glamour versus modesty.
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Retirement Account Gold: Hidden Risks

Physical gold as an investment option within retirement accounts presents a unique set of challenges and limitations that investors must carefully consider.
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7 Reasons To Retire Today

The decision of when to retire is one of the most important decisions you will make. The personal complexities of the retirement decision range from financial and personal to aspirational.This video explores 7 reasons you should consider.
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Profitable Retirement Investing 5 Contrarian Revelations

Retirement investing is not always about following the crowd or adhering to conventional wisdom. Overlooked advantages and contrarian strategies can potentially unlock significant profits and secure a comfortable retirement.
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Get Real – Late Stage Retirement Catchup: 4 Ways to Increase Performance

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of personal finance. As individuals approach their golden years, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that their investment portfolio is optimized for maximum returns.
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Retirement Income: Fixed Annuities or Bonds

As investors approach retirement, one of the critical decisions they face is how to generate a reliable stream of income from their accumulated savings.
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Retirement Income: Fixed Annuities or Bonds

As investors approach retirement, one of the critical decisions they face is how to generate a reliable stream of income from their accumulated savings.
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Retirement Income: Fixed Annuities or Bonds

As investors approach retirement, one of the critical decisions they face is how to generate a reliable stream of income from their accumulated savings.
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Retirement Income: Fixed Annuities or Bonds

As investors approach retirement, one of the critical decisions they face is how to generate a reliable stream of income from their accumulated savings.
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5 Reasons Social Security Will Never Be Cut

Social Security stands as one of the most sacrosanct pillars of the American social safety net. For decades, it has provided financial stability and security for millions of retirees, disabled individuals, and survivors. Despite periodic debates and discussions about its sustainability and reform, there are several compelling reasons why Social Security will never be cut. We will explore 5 key reasons that underscore the enduring nature of Social Security in the American political landscape.
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How It Feels To Lose Money In The Stock Market

Investing in the stock market is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, especially when financial losses occur. The experience of losing money in investments can lead to severe negative emotional responses that impact an investor’s personal well-being but will also affect family dynamics.
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Bitcoin Feeding Frenzy: What You Need to Know

Talk of a Bitcoin feeding frenzy is again being heard on Wall Street. This volatile digital asset, once dismissed as a fringe experiment, has captured the attention of both seasoned investors and curious newcomers.
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Secrets to Retirement Investing In Volatile Markets

The current investing market environment has introduced increased levels of uncertainty and volatility, posing a significant threat to retirement planning.
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Should You Invest in REITs? Top Pros & Cons Explained

Should You Invest in REITs? Top Pros & Cons Explained.
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Retirement Rescue: 5 Strategies for Building Your Underfunded Nest Egg

Catching up on retirement savings requires a strategic approach.
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FOMO Are You A Player or a Talker?

FOMO Are You A Player or a Talker?
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5 Things To Keep Out Of Your Will

Estate planning is a vital aspect of preparing for the future, ensuring that your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are provided for after you're gone.
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Breaking the Myth: The Truth About the 4% Retirement Withdrawal Rule

While the 4% retirement withdrawal rule has served as a guiding principle for retirement planning for decades, its efficacy in today's complex financial landscape is increasingly called into question.
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Avoiding Retirement Regrets: 3 Must-Know Tips for Men

Retirement represents a unique life transition for men.
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The One Thing You Must Do For Your Children

Give your children the priceless gift of knowing the location of your Estate Planning Binder.
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7 Reasons to Always Use a Prenuptial Agreement

Marriage is often portrayed as the ultimate union of love and commitment between two individuals. However, It is also a legally binding contract with significant financial implications.
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5 Investing Opportunities During a Presidential Election Year

US Presidential Election Years offer unique investing opportunities. This is the most contentious and unusual Presidential Election Year in memory. This election cycle, both candidates from the major parties face significant hurtles. Here are 5 possible trends to play into if you structure you portfolio for this unusual period.
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3 Important Reasons to Roll Your 401k into an IRA

Rolling a 401k into an IRA is a simple process. When making the decision to roll a 401k, remember that it's crucial to weigh potential benefits against drawbacks.
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7 Reasons Not To Retire

When planning retirement, individuals often find compelling reasons to continue working or even opt never to retire altogether.
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9 Retirement Planning Errors to Avoid

Retirement planning is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and proactive decision-making.
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The 3 Top Reasons to Take Your Social Security

3 Top Reasons to Take Your Social Security.
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Love and Money: 8 Ways to Manage Your Finances as a Couple

Couples have various ways to structure their finances based on their preferences and circumstances. Here are 8 examples of how cohabitating couples may choose to manage their finances.
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Is ESG Investing Dead - Reassessing Its Viability

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has gained visibility in recent years. However, a growing chorus of critics suggests that ESG investing is facing fundamental challenges that question its long-term viability.
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The Pros and Cons of Investing at Market Tops

We've all heard the siren song of peak valuations. It echoes with the promise of windfall profits, of cresting the waves of euphoria while leaving the laggards far below.
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7 Charitable Giving Strategies for Investors

7 Charitable Giving Strategies for InvestorsInvestors understand that philanthropy can be a strategic tool to enhance their financial portfolios while making a positive impact on society.
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No One Ever Went Broke by Taking a Profit

In the world of investing, the adage, No one ever went broke by taking a profit; attributed to Jesse Livermore, serves as a beacon for those navigating the intricacies of active portfolio management.
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7 Proven Money Rules I Wish I Learned in My 30s

7 Proven Money Rules I Wish I Learned in My 30s
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Financial Literacy for the Next Generation: Passing on Financial Wisdom to Heirs

A part of your legacy is passing on financial wisdom to the next generation. This holds immense significance.
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Zen and The Art of Investing

In the fast-paced world of aggressive investing, where markets fluctuate like the ebb and flow of the tides, applying the principles of Zen philosophy can be a transformative guide to achieving portfolio excellence.
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The Secrets of Recession Proof Investing

A recession is here or it is coming. In the unpredictable tides of economic cycles, recessions emerge as inevitable storms, challenging even seasoned investors.
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High Yield Bonds Are They Right For Your Retirement Income?

The world of high yield bonds, often dismissed as "junk," holds a unique allure for a certain breed of investor. This essay serves as a demystification for seasoned skeptics who appreciate the delicate balance between risk and reward.
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5 Reasons to Question Climate Change Investing

In the clamoring chorus of climate change activism, a dissenting voice arises – the voice of the cautious investor, the measured analyst, the pragmatist. While the urgency of environmental action resonates with many, a closer look at the proposed solutions reveals cracks in the narrative, uncertainties that demand a healthy dose of skepticism.
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5 Reasons to Beware The Magnificent 7

The stock market, once a diverse ecosystem of competing companies, has morphed into a landscape dominated by a select few titans. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Meta (Facebook), Tesla, and NVIDIA, aptly dubbed the Magnificent 7, now exert an outsized influence on major indices.
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Demystifying High Yield Bonds: A Refresher on Junk Bonds for Savvy Investors

In the realm of fixed-income investments, high yield bonds have long been a subject of intrigue and trepidation among investors.
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La Jolla Shores Goes Off

Surfing is a metaphor for what makes life worth living.
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Is The Coming Bitcoin ETF Right for Your Retirement Plan?

Investors are constantly seeking new opportunities to diversify their portfolios and enhance returns. One emerging asset class that has garnered significant attention is Bitcoin.
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5 Capital Preservation Strategies in an Ageing Bull Stock Market

5 Capital Preservation Strategies in an Ageing Bull Stock Market.
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401k Rollovers How To Do Them and What to Expect

Maximizing your retirement: The ultimate guide to 401k rolloversNavigating the intricacies of retirement planning, particularly when contemplating a 401k rollover, can be a daunting task.
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The Impact of Inflation on Retirement Savings

Retirement planning is a critical aspect of financial management, requiring careful consideration of various factors that can influence the efficacy of your savings. One such factor that often flies under the radar but can have a profound effect on retirement funds is inflation.
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The Different Investing Habits of Men vs Women

The investment habits among men and women in the 40+ age group reveals differences influenced by risk tolerance, time horizons, investment strategies, financial knowledge, and priorities.
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The Emotional Side of Wealth: Managing Fear and Greed

In the ever-fluctuating world of finance, where markets dance to the tunes of unpredictability, one constant remains – the emotional roller coaster that comes with managing wealth.
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Uncovering the Silent Financial Crisis Inside America

Beneath the surface of glossy economic reports and rosy market projections, a silent financial crisis lurks in America, one whose magnitude is only starting to be grasped.
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Early Retirement The Ultimate Guide

Embarking on the journey of early retirement is not just a financial decision.
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Maximizing Retirement Contributions: Strategies for High Net Worth Individuals

The importance of strategic retirement contributions is emphasized, underlining the impact of contribution decisions on long-term wealth and advocating for early and consistent contributions.
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6 Reasons to Consolidate All Your IRAs Into One Account

Consolidating multiple IRAs into a single account offers investors unparalleled control over their retirement savings, steering the course towards financial empowerment and efficient estate planning.
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The Thanksgiving Mindset for Successful Retirement Investing.

A Thanksgiving Mindset is not just a fleeting emotion; It is a powerful tool that can transform your perspective, enhance your self-awareness, and empower you to make more informed decisions in all areas of your life, including your retirement.
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5 Videos on Retirement Investing

Here are 5 videos on various aspects of retirment investing: 
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We've Created 3 Videos For You

We've Created 3 Videos For You. View Them Here.
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Annuity Basics – Features and Benefits

Annuities are a financial product that plays a pivotal role in retirement planning and estate management.
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Liquidity and Money Market Funds: Why You Need Them and How to Use Them

Successful investors recognize the value of a well-structured money market strategy in mitigating stock market risk, especially in down markets.
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Manna and The Punch Bowl

Today, we heardToday, we heard Fed Chair Powell reiterate his message of higher for longer. Now the media narrative is that a Fed Pause will bring manna.  We take exception to this narrative.
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The October Effect: 5 Facts You Need To Know

The October Effect: 5 Facts You Need To Know
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The Stock Market: Must Know Year End Seasonal Patterns

There are 5-Seasonal Stock Market Patterns.
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"I made a lot of money ..."

George Soros made a billion dollars in one day shorting the pound.
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Receive Great Content on Our Different Channels

We're Making Changes. We're migrating content to the following platforms. YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn.
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Lessons From Silicon Valley Bank

Here are lessons from the failure of Silicon Valley Bank.
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ChatGPT - An Opinion

I discovered ChatGBT 2-weeks after it launched. This is my second opinion piece on the technology.
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The Fed Minutes from February 01, 2023 were released today.

Expect higher interest rates for longer.More headwinds for markets and the economy.
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Markets are continuing to frustrate investors. Up, Down, Sideways.

After a strong January, markets are faltering in the face of stronger than expected inflation data.
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The Fed Raises Rates 1/4 Point

Today, the Fed Raised Rates 1/4% (25 Basis Points).
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Annual Market Review 2022

Annual Market Review 2022 The year 2022 may best be described by one word: inflation. The economies of the United States and the world were influenced by rising inflation, its causes, and the policies aimed at curtailing it.
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2022 Was A Year For The Record Books

In the markets, bonds had their worst year ever. Stock indices were down about 20%. Is the carnage over?
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More Fun With Technical Analysis!

I've been sharing this price chart of the S&P 500 as the downward sloping, sawtooth price pattern has developed, since the high in December 2021.Since my last chart, the S&P has now failed to penetrate resistance for the 4th time.This signifies an increasingly bearish market.
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Where’s Your Future?

Nothing lasts forever. You know this.This is particularly true with the future of financial markets.Passive Investing is last year’s game.
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Understanding Powell’s Fed-Speak.

The world held its breath as Fed Chair Powell spoke about inflation and interest rates. When all was done, stocks and bonds loved what they heard.
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Inflation Is Forcing Higher Interest Rates Into Your Future.

Central Banks around the world are rushing to walk back years of failed MMT policy. Global economies will pay for the policy failures.
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The Economy is Bigger Than The Midterms

The U.S. Economy is too big to be meaningfully impacted by the mid-terms.However, we do see an increased possibility of a year-end rally regardless of mid-term results.
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Return of The Bond Vigilantes

What Is a Bond Vigilante? Bond Vigilantes are fixed income traders, at financial institutions, who express their displeasure with a government or corporate policy by attacking the offending entity.
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Stories From The Inheritance Files

The Queen's Will was apparently changed recently and is now causing heartburn among some Royals.Proof that it happens in all families.
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Quarterly Market Review: July-September 2022

The ramifications of stamping down rising inflation dominated the markets in the third quarter.
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3-Reasons The Fed Will Continue to Raise Interest Rates.

After more than a decade of low interest rates, the Federal Reserve has changed course.Fighting inflation is the New Black.Take heed.Forewarned is forearmed.This year, Fed Chair Powell has repeatedly said that he will do whatever it takes to control inflation.
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Caring For Ageing Parents

Broken Family Relationships Are Normal. Times of family stress may bring them out.
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Fed Raises Interest Rates 75 basis points (3/4%)

This week'is week's 75 basis point rate hike is only the second back to back 75 basis point hike in 40-years.
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The First Half of 2022 Was One For The Record Books.

Despite an end-of-week surge, stocks closed last week lower. Recession fears resulted in traders moving to bonds ... .
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Stocks Remain Volatile

Stocks closed higher last week, ending a seven-week slide.  More upbeat corporate news and favorable economic data helped quell investor angst, at least temporarily.
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Is This A Bear? Or is it Another Critter?

Is This A Bear?Or is it another critter? The stock market has been weak for more than 4-months.
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Markets Are Trading Ukraine Uncertainty.

Stocks are doing what they do best: evaluating data and pricing outcomes. Friday's relief rally was long overdue.
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Market Month: January 2022

Stocks ended January lower as investors dealt with concerns over inflation, rising interest rates, and global economic recovery.
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Teach Your Children Well.

Teach Your Children Well. Denzel Washington said it all, "It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children."
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The Markets as of market close January 21, 2022

Volatility hit  the markets this month;  impacted by a more hawkish Federal Reserve stance, economic disruptions from Omicron, and risks to company profits due to rising costs.
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Pull Back, Correction, Bear, Crash?

Markets continue to sell off … and we haven’t seen the dip-buyers yet.
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Forgiving Student Loans.

We've been hearing about the movement to forgive student loans.
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The Markets.

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Global Markets Investing.

Diversification into global markets is fundamental prudent asset allocation.The degree of that diversification is determined by your risk profile.
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2021 Annual Market Review.

2021 was a memorable year.
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Here Are Key Tax Reference Numbers for 2022.

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Market Week: January 10, 2022

Last week began on a high note, but stocks couldn't maintain that momentum, ending the week in the red. Read More.
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What Is Going On With Stocks and Mortgage Rates??

What Is Going On With Stocks and Mortgage Rates?? Understanding markets is like understanding this photo.The Fed has made it clear that they will be raising interest rates.
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Tax Loss Selling

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! It's That Time of Year.Out witht the old. In with the new.This means tax loss selling as financial assets are repositioned.
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Little Italy!

Little Italy is one of San Diego's best kept secrets. San Diego residents head to Little Italy for charm, ambience and that home-town feel. Come on down for some Italian Christmas Cheer.The best cannoli and the best spumoni in San Diego.
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Bitcoin is Upside Down!

Bitcoin is Upside Down! Where is Rudolph When You Need A Lift? Today's 9% inflation PPI print has financial markets feeling unstable as we close the year.Investors are hoping that Santa comes through with his annual year-end rally.Bitcoin is down 31% in the past month. This is how bear markets feel ... no parachute.
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Market Week: December 13. 2021.

Stocks closed last week higher for the first time in three weeks. The S&P 500 enjoyed its best weekly gain since February.
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Happy Holidays from The Higgins Family to Yours!

Happy Holidays from The Higgins Family to Yours! If you're looking to spike your Season in San Diego, try visiting our great hotels for their Christmas displays. Their lobbies are full of beauty and good cheer.
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Caring for Your Aging Parents

Caring for Your Aging Parents. Caring for your aging parents is something you hope you can handle when the time comes. But it's the last thing you want to think about. Whether the time is now or somewhere down the road, there are steps that you can take to make your life (and theirs) a little easier.
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2021 Year-End Tax Tips

Good Morning and Happy Holidays! Thanks for being an engaged reader! We are growing and looking for new clients. If we can help someone you know, please send them our way. Here are some things to consider as you weigh year-end tax moves.
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Market Week: December 6, 2021

Market Week December 06, 2021, As of market close December 3, 2021.Wall Street could not maintain its early momentum, closing the week down.
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Are you happy with financial advisor?

Year End is a time of reflection and renewal. Are you happy with financial advisor? You can do better.
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Supply-Chain Chaos: Holiday Edition

The supply chain is the network by which products flow from the factories to consumers. Corporate supply chains have been under pressure since the pandemic began.
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Market Month: November 2021

The Markets (as of market close November 30, 2021)Stocks ended November generally lower, with only the Nasdaq able to eke out a gain.
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Social Security Announces Biggest COLA in 40-Years.

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Higgins Capital Market Week: November 29, 2021

Higgins Capital Market Week: November 29, 2021. The Markets (as of market close November 26, 2021)Thanksgiving week was a tumultuous one for investors.
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Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA or 401(k)

Selecting beneficiaries for retirement benefits is different from choosing beneficiaries for other assets such as life insurance. Most inherited assets such as bank accounts, stocks, and real estate pass to your beneficiaries without income tax being due.
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Is Your Retirement Income Secure?

Common Factors Affecting Retirement Income:With regards to your retirement income, These are some common factors that can affect how much you will have available to spend.
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The Markets as of market close November 12, 2021

Each of the benchmark indexes lost ground this week. Inflation concerns weighed on investors' minds during the week.
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Go Navy Beat Army!

This week has been about celebrating our Marines and Veterans. Our Uniformed Services foster esprit de corps with interservice rivalries. That rivalry started with Army and Navy in 1775.
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Celebrate Veterans Day

November 11th is celebrated worldwide as the day The Armistice was signed that ended hostilities of World War 1. “The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month … 1918.”
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Happy Birthday U.S. Marine Corps!

Happy Birthday Marines! 246-years of Glory. From The Halls of Montezuma ...
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Our 34th Anniversary: A Tribute to My Wife Debbie

Our 34th Anniversary: A Tribute to My Wife Debbie.
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The Higgins Capital Market Report 11/08/2021

What is Old Is New Again.The first week of November saw stocks climb higher on the strength of favorable corporate earnings data, strong job growth, a dovish policy statement from the Federal Reserve, and favorable news on the battle against COVID-19.
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Hire The Right Financial Advisor

Hire Experience. Hire Excellence. Hire Higgins Capital.... Helping Investors since 1996.
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Bonds, Interest Rates, and the Impact of Inflation

There are two ways that you can profit from owning bonds: from the interest that bonds pay, and from any increase in the bond' price. Many people who invest in bonds because they want a steady stream of income are surprised to learn that bond prices can fluctuate. If you sell a bond before its maturity date, you may get more than its face value; you could also receive less if you must sell when bond prices are down.
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Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Recently?

Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Lately?
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Annuities Within IRAs

An annuity is one of the investment options available for your IRA. Why invest your IRA in an annuity?
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Market Week: October 25, 2021

Market Week: October 25, 2021 Each of the benchmark indexes listed here advanced last week. Corporate earnings data for the third quarter has gotten off to a solid start pushing stocks higher.
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Bitcoin, Crypto Currencies and Digital Assets

Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies have been headline news all week. They are examples of Digital Assets. We see Digital Assets as being where the internet was in 1995: A new, largely unregulated, disruptive technology.
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How Women Are Different from Men, Financially Speaking

We all know men and women are different in some fundamental ways. But is this true when it comes to financial planning? In a word, yes.
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Market Week 10/18/2021

Despite a shaky start, Wall Street enjoyed a strong week of gains. A favorable start to corporate earnings season helped lift equities higher. Each of the benchmark indexes posted solid weekly gains.
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Crypto Futures Based ETFs Trick Or Treat?

Digital Assets are in the news with today's launch of the first digital-asset ETF. The response to this asset class has been split along generational lines.
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We’ve Been Helping Investors For Decades!

Trust. Accountability. Transparency. Higgins Capital Management, Inc. 2223 Avenida de la Playa, Ste. 210 La Jolla, CA. 92037 Phone: 858) 459-2993 Text: (858) 251-6873.
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MARKET WEEK: OCTOBER 14, 2021: Stocks closed last week generally higher, despite a weak jobs report. A poor showing last Friday was not enough to prevent the benchmark indexes from closing the week mostly in the black.
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Today is The US Navy’s 246th Birthday!

Today is The US Navy’s 246th Birthday!The US Navy was born on October 13, 1775 with 2 ships.
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Visit Our Video Library! Be Informed!

Video Madness! Either Or!Either Life is Good and You're Confident that The Good Times Will Continue Without End ...Or You Are Concerned About What The Future Holds and Want to Learn More About Your Choices.
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Strong and Kind

Strong and Kind. On Sunday a woman in New York City accidentally threw out her diamond wedding ring. She realized it in the middle of the night, and did the only thing she could think of, she left a NOTE on the windshield of a parked garbage truck.
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What Is A Bond Ladder?

What Is A Bond Ladder? A bond ladder is a strategy involving the purchase of bonds that have staggering maturity dates. Instead of maturing all at once, the bonds mature in intervals.
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Converting Savings to Retirement Income

Converting Savings to Retirement Income. During your working years, you have probably set aside funds in retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, or other workplace savings plans, as well as in taxable accounts. Your challenge during retirement is to convert those savings into an ongoing income stream that will provide adequate income throughout your retirement years.
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Market Week: The Markets (as of market close October 1, 2021)

The Markets (as of market close October 1, 2021)A rally last Friday helped drive stocks generally higher last week.
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Back to Basics: Diversification and Asset Allocation

Back to Basics: Diversification and Asset Allocation. When investing, particularly for long-term goals, you should use Diversification and Asset Allocation.
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The Most Personal Charity Work You Can Do!

Donate Blood.It is the most intensely personal contribution you can make. Just you, quietly giving back. You are saving lives today.
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Tips for Women Who Are Living in the Sandwich Generation

At a time when your career is reaching a peak and you are looking ahead to your own retirement, you may find yourself in the position of having to help your children with college expenses or the financial challenges of young adulthood while at the same time looking after the needs of your aging parents.
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The Markets (as of market close September 24, 2021)

Investors rode a bumpy ride, opening last week lower only to rebound later but not enough to avoid a third consecutive weekly dip. The Dow and the Global Dow fell nearly 1.0%, while the S&P 500 and the Russell 2000 declined more than 0.8%. Read on.
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It's Here! Be Clear! Get Use To It! It may be transitory. Maybe Not.
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Celebrate! Today is Native American Day.Debbie is a card-carrying member of the Monacan Indian Nation. Yep, with her blue eyes!
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Retirement Income: The Transition Into Retirement

Are You Ready to Retire? The question is actually more complicated than it first appears, because it demands consideration on two levels. First, there is the emotional component. Second, there is the financial component.
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Dazed and Confused??

Dazed and Confused?? You are looking at what surfers call The Spin Cycle. Vertigo. It's September. The month for vertigo in financial markets. If you have the jitters, turn off your TV and YouTube. Go for a walk and enjoy our beautiful fall weather.
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Scripps Pier – Golden Hour

Scripps Pier At Golden Hour. After an inspired day with clients. The view through the double colonnade symbolizing the passage through life. From present to future. From one phase of to another.
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Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Lately?

It is generally a good idea to review your employer-sponsored retirement savings plan at least once each year and when major life changes occur. If you haven't given your plan a thorough review within the last 12 months, now may be a good time to do so.
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Gaze Upon Tomorrow.

This is Our Future.This is Our Tomorrow.This is Our Reason for Optimism.This is The Millennial Generation.
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Avatar The Movie 2009

Watch This Stunning Movie Again.Avatar 2009.Did You Watch This Movie When It Was Released in 2009? This ground breaking movie was ahead of its time in 2009. It plays as well today as it did on its original release.
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Low Tide At Scripps Pier - The Natural Cycle of Things.

Low Tide At Scripps Pier - The Natural Cycle of Things. Almost everything is cyclical. Nature, Life, Global Relationships, Economics, Power. Unusual times usually signal a change in a macro cycle.
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We just posted our Video Review of August's Market Action on the Higgins Capital Facebook Page and on our LinkedIn Page.Take a look at it. If you are within 10-years of retirement you should include safety of principal in your risk profile. You can partially address this by having a Growth and Income Profile more skewed to Income. We manage Risk and Opportunity. Remember, “It doesn’t matter what you make. Only what you keep!
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Today is VJ Day, Victory Over Japan, September 02, 1945

Today is VJ Day. Victory Over Japan on September 2, 1945. History doesn't repeat; but it rhymes.
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Labor Day 2021 Is Here

Labor Day 2021 Is Here. This coming Monday, September 6 is Labor Day. The holiday pays tribute to American workers.
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A Retirement Income Roadmap for Women

   More women are working and taking charge of their own retirement planning than ever before. What does retirement mean to you?
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Liars Logic - Trust Your Gut

Liars Logic! Usually from your 6-year old.... or from others caught red handed.
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Women! First and Always.

Women! First and Always. Women have complex and unique financial needs. Are yours being met?
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Are Government Savings Bonds Risk Free?

Life Is Risk. For everyone in every situation. Always. We all know that there is No Free Lunch. We should all know that there is No Risk Free Life. All bonds (fixed income) are subject to risk.
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Women and Estate Planning Basics

When it comes to estate planning, women have unique concerns. The fact is that women live an average of 5-years longer than men. That is important because it means there is a greater chance that you need your assets to last for a longer period of time and a greater need to plan for incapacity.
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Four Things Women Need to Know about Social Security

Women have been counting on Social Security to provide much-needed retirement income since 1940. Social Security provides 3 other important benefits.
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What Is Inflation and Why Should You Care About It?

What Is Inflation and Why Should You Care About It?Prices: Up, up and awayInflation occurs when there is more money circulating than there are goods and services to buy.
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Our Olympians Bring Home The Gold, The Silver and The Bronze

Our Olympians Brought Home The Gold, The Silver and The Bronze.A total of 113 Medals.
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Why Women Need Life Insurance

Today, women have more financial responsibilities than ever before. How will your family or loved ones manage financially if you die? Whether you are single, married, employed, or a stay-at-home mom, you probably need life insurance.
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Nuts and Bolts: How to Roll Over Your Employer Retirement Plan Assets

There are two types of rollovers: direct and indirect. A direct rollover is paid from your plan directly to your IRA or to your new employer's retirement plan.
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July Market Review

July 2021 Market Review
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Do You Have The Right Priorities?

Do You Have The Right Priorities?Family? Money? Love? Power? When was the last time you updated your priorities?
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Investing in Art, Antiques, Gems and Collectibles

 Investing in Hard AssetsHard assets, such as art, antiques, gems and collectibles, are another way to diversify your holdings. Because hard assets often retain their value as inflation rises, they can provide balance to other asset classes that suffer more from rising costs.
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Clarity With Consolidation

Do you keep your clean socks in 4-different rooms in your house? No.Why not?Because you want to know what you have ready to wear. It pays to know what you have where.
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STARBOARD!! We're Racing to Finish Your Story

We have focused on Retirement Investing and Planning for the past month. As fiduciary financial advisors we are racing to get you on the right course.
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Women and Work: Why Salary, Benefits, and Work-Life Balance Count

As women progress along their career path, there is no telling how far you will go. But to fully reap the financial rewards of all your hard work, you'll need to take charge of your own career.
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Lump-Sum Distribution from Inherited IRAs and Retirement Plans

Lump Sum Distributions from an IRA or Retirement Plan. A lump-sum distribution is the withdrawal of the entire balance of an inherited traditional IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan account in one tax year.
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IRA and Retirement Plan Distributions

What is it?IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) and profit-sharing plans) play a central role in retirement planning. After all, the tax benefits are hard to beat.
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Learn From History! Why Reinvent The Wheel?

As we move through life, we learn that the one thing we will never have is enough time.
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Puzzled About Annuities as an IRA Investment Option?

A deferred annuity is one of several investment options you can choose from to fund your IRA.
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Converting Savings to Retirement Income

During your working years, you set aside funds in retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, or other workplace savings plans, as well as in taxable accounts. Your challenge during retirement is to convert those savings into an ongoing income stream.
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Converting or Rolling Over Traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs

Converting or Rolling Over Traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. What is it? In general, you can transfer all or a portion of your traditional IRA funds to a Roth IRA. Learn more here.
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SECURE Act Changed IRA and Retirement Plan Inheritance Rules

The SECURE Act changed IRA distributions and estate planning strategies. This piece will give you ideas on how to move forward with these changes.
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How Women Are Different from Men, Financially Speaking

We all know men and women are different in some fundamental ways. But is this true when it comes to financial planning? In a word, yes.
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Planning for Marriage: Financial Tips for Women

Planning for Marriage: Financial Tips for Women
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Retirement Plan Considerations at Different Stages of Life

Retirement Plan Considerations at Different Stages of Life. Throughout your career, retirement planning will likely be one of the most important components of your overall financial plan.
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Charitable Contributions from IRAs

Did you know that, if you are at least 70 1/2 years old, you can make tax-free charitable donations directly from your IRA? Has your Financial Advisor shared this strategy with you yet?
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Breakfast of Champions!

As your Financial Advisors you know that we work hard for you. Our office bowl of M&Ms gives a friendly boost to the office environment. It shows that humor and hard work are compatible.
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Should I invest in a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA?

There is no easy answer to this question. Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs share certain general characteristics. As fiduciary financial advisors we recommend that you read this timely piece.
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Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA

Selecting beneficiaries for retirement accounts is different from choosing beneficiaries for other assets such as life insurance. The Higgins Capital Fiduciary Financial Advisors will help you.
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Tough Guys

Tough Guys … Badder and Madder Than Anything Hollywood Can Conjure. From Tom Brokaw's Greatest Generation.
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The Traits of a Good Investor and How Women Can Make the Most of Them

The Traits of a Good Investor and How Women Can Make the Most of Them. Many women work with their Financial Advisor to manage their money. Advantageous investor traits include: patience, willingness to confront mistakes and recognizing when help is needed.
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Luck Matters!

LUCK MATTERS! Summer has arrived in La Jolla!
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IRA and Retirement Plan Limits for 2021

IRA and Retirement Plan Limits for 2021The maximum amount you can contribute to a Traditional or Roth IRA in 2021 is $6,000 unchanged from 2020. The maximum catch-up contribution for those age 50 or older remains $1,000. You can contribute to both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA in 2021, but your total contributions cannot exceed these annual limits.
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All About IRAs

An individual retirement arrangement (IRA) is a personal retirement savings plan that offers specific tax benefits. In fact, IRAs are one of the most powerful retirement savings tools available to you.
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Be Inspired. Be Inspirational

There is a lot going on here so take a few moments to really look at this photo. What Do You See? Get Inspired by everything that you see. Then take that Inspiration with out into your world.
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Bear Markets Come and Go

The longest bull market in history lasted almost 11 years from 2009- 2020. Then coronavirus fears and the realities of a seriously disrupted U.S. economy brought it to an end. If you are losing sleep over volatility driven by a cascade of disheartening news, it may help to remember that the stock market is historically cyclical.
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Facing the Possibility of Incapacity

Incapacity means that you are either mentally or physical unable to take care of yourself or your day-to-day affairs. Incapacity can result from serious physical injury, mental or physical illness, advancing age, and alcohol or drug abuse.
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Bonds, Interest Rates, and the Impact of Inflation

The ups and downs of the bond market can have a significant impact on your overall bond portfolio return. If you are considering investing in bonds it is important to understand how bonds behave and what can affect your investment in them.
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Higgins Capital Talks Tips for Managing Your Money.

With financial matters, success is based on a systematic and disciplined approach. Spending time to maintain your program, can help you keep track of progress as you pursue your financial goals.
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How Much Annual Income Can Your Retirement Portfolio Provide?

Your retirement lifestyle will depend not only on your assets and investment choices, but also on how quickly you draw down your retirement portfolio. Figuring out an appropriate initial withdrawal rate is a key issue in retirement planning and presents many challenges.
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Annuity Basics and Your 401k or IRA Rollover

Can An Annuity Work For You in a Rollover? Learn about Annuity Basics. In its simplest form, you pay money to an annuity issuer, and the issuer pays you back the principal and earnings at some point in the future.
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Watch This Great Video! Memorial Day is Here!

Celebrate Our Great Heritage!  Memorial Day Weekend is Here. The Day is the American Holiday Honoring Our Men and Women Who Died While on Active Duty in The United States Military.
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Retirement Planning With Annuities

There are several considerations when planning retirement with annuities. They are1 How a Variable Annuity Works 2 Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs 3 Asset Allocation 4 Fixed vs. Variable Annuities.
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Annuities and Retirement Planning

You may have heard that IRAs and 401(k)s are the best ways to invest for retirement.But if you have maxed out your contributions to those accounts and want to save more? An annuity may be an appropriate investment to look into.
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Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

 What Are Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)?Required minimum distributions, often referred to as RMDs or minimum required distributions, are amounts that the federal government requires you to withdraw annually from traditional IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans.
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Retirement Account Rollovers REDUX

A rollover is the movement of funds from one retirement vehicle to another. You may want to make a rollover for any number of reasons. There are two possible ways that retirement funds can be rolled over — the indirect (60-day) rollover and the direct rollover (or trustee-to-trustee transfer).
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Investing Basics and Your Retirement

The more you can save for retirement, the better your chances of retiring comfortably. Before investing for your retirement, you should set retirement goals and also consider your time horizon, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
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I think it's time to start planning for retirement. Where do I begin?

 Although most of us recognize the importance of sound retirement planning, few of us embrace the nitty-gritty work involved. With thousands of investment possibilities, complex rules governing retirement plans, and so on, most people do not even know where to begin.Here are some suggestions to help you get started.
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This is National Etiquette Week. Celebrate and Change The World!

This is National Etiquette Week. Celebrate and Change The World! Help Change The World With Two Words At A Time. Thank You, You're Welcome, Yes Ma'am. Yes Sir.
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Taking Money Out of Your 401k - Not As Easy As Putting It In

In-Service Withdrawals from 401(k) Plans. You may be familiar with the rules for putting money into a 401(k) plan. But are you familiar with the rules for taking your money out? Federal law limits the withdrawal options that a 401(k) plan can offer. Your plan may be more restrictive with fewer withdrawal options than the law allows.
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401(k) Plan Fees – There Is No Free Lunch

If you direct your own 401(k) plan investments, you'll need to consider the investment objectives, the risk and return characteristics, and the performance over time of each investment option offered by your plan in order to make sound investment decisions. Fees and expenses are factors that may affect your investment returns, and therefore impact your retirement income.
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NOOD Racing at San Diego Yacht Club

Kea Wins The NOOD for The 10th Time!Wind and salt spray in your face. San Diego Yacht Club's Racing Season is off to a fast start. Racers from around the country are anxious to shake off the lethargy of the past year and get on with living life.
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Retirement Planning Considerations for a Stay-at-Home Spouse

Married couples often decide together that one spouse should be the primary breadwinner while the other stays home to take care of family members. Although this often works out well for childrearing or eldercare responsibilities in the short term, it can present long-term retirement-planning risks for the stay-at-home spouse.
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Reaching Retirement: Now What?

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Planning For Remarriage

If you're planning to remarry, you must decide how you and your fiance will combine your households. Read about these 5-Issues.
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Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Read and Share This Uplifting Story about our Great American Traditions of Helping our Neighbors.
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Retirement Your Way. Experience The Higgins Capital Difference

Thinking Outside The Box has become the buzzword for more of the same logical thinking that limits your horizons.Retirement is your opportunity to do it Your Way. Let your imagination run free.
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Retirement Income: The Transition Into Retirement

Read This Thought Provoking Article on Retirement. A Successful Retirement Takes As Much Planning as A Successful Career.. The same thoughtful approach applies to retirement.
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What Rising Rates Could Mean for Your Money

After years of keeping the benchmark federal funds rate at historic lows, the Federal Reserve has been raising it gradually. Near-zero rates were an emergency measure, and gradual increases reflect greater confidence in the U.S. economy.
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Inflation Is Going Up

Rising Inflation. Will You Be Able To Ride It Out?Inflation is going up. Prices are rising. Gasoline and real estate are the most obvious.
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Changing Jobs? Know Your 401(k) Options

If you have lost your job, or are changing jobs, you may be wondering what to do with your 401(k) plan account. It is important to understand your options. What will I be entitled to? If you leave your job (voluntarily or involuntarily), you will be entitled to a distribution of your vested balance. Your vested balance always includes your own contributions(pre-tax, after-tax, and Roth) and typically any investment earnings on those amounts.
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Celebrate Earth Day

Today We Celebrate the 52nd Anniversary of Earth Day. It was first celebrated in 1970 as the formal commitment of the United States to improving the environment and creating a sustainable future for all Americans.52-Years of Environmental Improvement.As Americans Let Us Celebrate The Great Work We Have Already Accomplished.
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Charitable Giving

When developing your estate plan, you can do well by doing good. Leaving money to charity rewards you in many ways. It gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, and it can save you money in estate taxes.
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Sudden Wealth

What would you do with an extra $100,000? What if you suddenly had an extra million or 10 million or more? Now that you have come into a windfall, answering these questions may help you evaluate your needs and goals.
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Nuts and Bolts: How to Roll Over Your Employer Retirement Plan Assets

There are two types of rollovers: direct and indirect.A direct rollover is paid from your plan directly to your IRA or to your new employers retirement plan. The funds are never payable to you.An indirect rollover is a payment made to you that you later roll over to an IRA or an employer retirement plan.
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We are 26-Years Old Today. Celebrate With Us!!

We are 26-Years Old Today!! Celebrate With US!!Debbie and I founded Higgins Capital 26-years ago today. April 15, 1995. Take a moment and enjoy a quick retrospective of 1995.
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My Spouse Died Unexpectedly. Where Do I Stand?

My spouse just died. Do I have access to his or her accounts?Generally, if your name does not appear on the account, either as a joint owner with rights of survivorship, trustee (if the account is held in trust), or a beneficiary, you probably cannot access the account unless authorized to do so by the probate court having jurisdiction over the estate. Each state has its own laws dealing with this situation, and the applicable rules may differ from one state to the next.
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Life Insurance Basics

Life insurance is an agreement between you and an insurer. Under the terms of a life insurance policy, the insurer promises to pay a certain sum to a person you choose (your beneficiary) upon your death, in exchange for your premium payments.
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Our Great American Heritage of Diversity

Diversity 1973 Augusta, GEORGIA. As Americans we share a great cultural heritage of diversity and inclusion. We have always been the world's melting pot. We have always been the immigrant's dream. Celebrate Our Great Shared Heritage. Stand Tall. Be Proud.
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Robo Advisors Have Arrived, But Life Often Calls for a Human Touch

After years of development, numerous robo advisors have entered the world of investment management. Still, many investors may not fully understand exactly what robos do, or how they do it.
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Character Matters - Thoughts on Fulfillment

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 and is heading towards 80 what sort of changes she is feeling in herself? She sent me the following:
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Retirement Income Roadmap For Women

More women are working and taking charge of their own retirement planning than ever before. What does retirement mean to you?
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Introducing Our New StartUp-CatchUp Service

Introducing Our StartUp-CatchUp Service. We are a Beacon of Light for two Groups of Forgotten Investors. 1) Those trying to get started in working with a Financial Advisor 2) Those who realize that they do not have enough in retirement savings for the lifestyle they want.
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Working From Home May Not Be The New Normal

Working Remotely was supposed to be the future. Employees have left Silicon Valley, New York and other metropolitan areas in search of a better lifestyle based on the certainty that working remotely was here to stay.Think Again! There is pushback against working remotely … and it is growing.Google is the latest company to end the remote working dream.
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Women and Work: Why Salary, Benefits, and Work-Life Balance Count

As you progress along your career path, there is no telling how far you will go. But to fully reap the financial rewards of all your hard work, you will need to take charge of your own career. Here are a few issues you will want to pay close attention to.
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Evaluating a Job Offer

Evaluating a Job Offer If you are considering changing jobs, you are not alone. Today, few people stay with one employer until retirement. It is likely that at some point during your career, you will be looking for a new job. You may be looking to make more money or seeking greater career opportunities. Or, you may be forced to look for new employment if your company restructures.
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Fed Forecast: Low Rate Ahead. Insights for You

Read This: Fed Forecast: Low Rates Ahead. Here Are Insights You’ll Want to Know.The Federal Reserve at its most recent meeting recommitted to keeping short-term interest rates near zero for the foreseeable future, which likely means into 2023 or 2024.The Fed is also all in; to do whatever it takes to support the economy. It has said that it will be willing to tolerate inflation above 2% for a time. That means that the Fed will not raise short-term rates ...
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Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA or 401(k)

Selecting beneficiaries for retirement benefits is different from choosing beneficiaries for other assets such as life insurance. With retirement benefits, you need to know the impact of income tax and estate tax laws in order to select the right beneficiaries. Although taxes shouldn't be the sole determining factor in naming your beneficiaries, ignoring the impact of taxes could lead you to make an incorrect choice.
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Due Date for Federal Income Tax Returns and Payments Postponed to May 17

Due to the unusual conditions related to the coronavirus pandemic, the due date for individuals to file 2020 federal income tax returns and make tax payments has been postponed by the IRS from Thursday, April 15, 2021, to Monday, May 17, 2021. No interest, penalties, or additions to tax will be incurred by taxpayers during this approximately one-month relief period for any return or payment postponed under this relief provision. The relief applies automatically to all taxpayers.
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NOOD Regatta

The San Diego NOOD Race was held this past weekend. Our congratulations to The Winners and all  competitors! The NOOD Regatta (National Offshore One-Design), is a sailboat racing circuit held in 9 cities throughout the U.S. It takes place in San Diego, Annapolis, St. Petersburg, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, Marblehead, Larchmont, and Houston. In One-Design racing, sailboats compete against other boats in identical boats, so the first boat over the finish line wins.
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Eleven Way to Help Keep Your Cool

Keeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It's useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term impact on your ability to achieve your financial goals.
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There's Still Time to Contribute to an IRA for 2020

Making a last-minute contribution to an IRA may help you reduce your 2020 tax bill. If you qualify, your traditional IRA contribution may be tax deductible. And if you had low to moderate income and meet eligibility requirements, you may also be able to claim the Saver's Credit for 2020 based on your contributions to a traditional or Roth IRA. Claiming this nonrefundable tax credit may help reduce your tax bill and give you an incentive to save for retirement.
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Decisions are often made on gut and emotion. Then the supporting narrative with graphs and numbers are found for justification. It is the way of the world. So, ask yourself, How much is enough? How much food? How much car? How much house? How much money in the bank? How much retirement? How much net worth. If you have put a number on the answers to these questions, then ask yourself, Where did I get my number? What publication, or mentor or algo or guru planted that number?
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Marcus Aurelius Quotes

Marcus Arelius's impact on global history is still being felt today. Born to royalty, he rose to prominence through focus and determination. These quotes are thought provoking.
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Fear and Loathing In San Diego

Market speculation is rampant at a time of historic uncertainty. Unprecedented uncertainty with unprecedented investor complacency. The simple question you should ask yourself is this: “How many years will it take me to recover from a market loss?”
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Catalina Getaway

Catalina Island has a storied history and has been one of our favorite family getaways since the 1940s.  The Island lies about 20-miles off the LA coast and is accessible by both sea and air.  Most convenient are the boats that depart and return Dana Point and Long Beach several times a day. The trip takes about an hour.
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Bitcoin...What you need to know

Bitcoin is prominently in the news as its value continues to move higher this year. I’ve written this to provide some information for you. The most important piece of information is that regulation is coming to Bitcoin and the other cryptos. This regulation may impact some of the features that have made Bitcoin attractive to investors. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital asset. It exists outside of the global financial system.
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The Great Reset

The Economy: Despite a decade of unprecedented Central Bank stimulus, the global economic expansion appears to be slowing. Slowing doesn't mean contracting. It means that the rate of expansion is slowing. Growth in China is down to the 6-7% level. Yet, a 6+% growth rate, for one country with approximately 1/4 of global population, is an economic dynamo that can't be ignored. How this plays out is the great unknown.
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Tariffs, Talking Retirment, and Taking on tarnished Flatware

The Economy: Market participants are dealing with the uncertainty of a trade war between the US and China.  According to the White House, last week they were very close to a deal when China backed out on agreed upon terms.  The US hit back with an extra 25% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods on Friday.  The US stock markets tanked.   Monday saw China announce higher tariffs on $60 billion of American Goods, targeting the biggest US exporters.  Let the trade games begin.
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Trade Talks, FTC and Savor & Style Fashion Show

The Economy: The headline story today is that US China trade talks ended earlier today without a deal.  According to the White House negotiator, China reneged on parts of the deal from earlier in the week.  With the deadline passing for a deal, newly implemented tariffs of 25% went into effect on $200 billion of Chinese goods.  US Stocks sell off on the lack of a deal and US treasuries rally on a flight to safety.
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Social Security at Full Retirement

you'll get a bigger check every month. However, how much bigger depends upon what year you reach full retirement age, and how long you postpone collecting benefits. If you were born in 1943 or later, you'll receive 2/3 of 1% for each month that you delay collecting retirement benefits (8 percent more per years), up until age 70. So for example, if your full retirement age is 66 and you delay collecting benefits for 4 years, your benefit at age 70 will be 32% higher than at age 66.
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Old Dog Hot Money

The Economy: The Old Dog has more life in it. Strong results from Microsoft and Facebook kept the NASDAQ positive while industrials such as 3M slumped on plans to cut the workforce by 2,000. Unemployment at 50-year lows. Consumer confidence spiking to near highs. Home prices up 4% yoy. GDP blowout numbers. The numbers show a booming economy with Fed pledges of no interest rate hikes at least through the 2020 Presidential election. The Administration is increasing political pressure for QE.
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Rallies, Resources and Retail

The Economy: The U.S. stock markets hit record highs on Tuesday as equity investors see a better economic outlook than earlier in the year.  The bond market rallied.  Bond investors see the continued low inflation as the catalyst for the Fed to cut interest rates.  We remain cautious as investors flock to stocks and bonds when they historically move in opposite directions.  
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Payrolls, IRS and Heatlh & Beauty Picks

The Economy: The ADP National Employment Report is released the Wednesday before the payroll report. The ADP is a monthly economic data release on non-farm private employment in the U.S. Today's data was lower than expected, signaling to the markets the labor market may be cooling as growth slows.Friday we get the release of the nonfarm payrolls report (NFP) report which is a monthly employment report that represents the total number of paid U.S. workers.
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Rising Market or Recession

The Economy:Construction Spending is up, ISM is up; best quarterly stock market returns in 2-decades. We're entering 1st quarter earnings reports. Where's The Recession...Where Is The Recession? The US expansion continues unabated. But economic data remains mixed as it has for the past 10-years. Central Banks remain active in manipulating numbers, liquidity and asset bubbles. Everything is politicized and weaponized; right down to whether or not your children eat Hostess donuts.
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Mainstream Media, How Much is Enough and Financial Concerns

The Economy: The Mainstream Media and Donald Trump unequivocally agree on one thing: The U.S. economy is the best economy in our history and the greatest economy in the history of the planet. Financial markets wholeheartedly agree with this evaluation as shown by the relentless increase in asset prices since 2009 in general and the December 2018 lows in particular. At Higgins Capital we''re less cockeyed. We see signs of a global slowdown that may be spreading to the U.S. Financial markets
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Fed Surprised, Sources of Income and Sunnylife Beach Assessories

The Economy: Well, the Fed surprised the markets today cutting the growth forecast and stating no more rate hikes in 2019. The knee jerk reaction was for both the stock and bond markets to rally.  However, stocks closed mixed as market participants began to worry about what the Fed knows but aren't sharing. Food for Thought:  You may just spend more time in retirement than you did in the workforce, another 25-
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Home Prices, IRA Contributions and Viva Las Vegas

The Economy: New homes sales fell 6.9% in January to a three-month low.  New home sales are counted when contracts are signed where existing home sales (down 6.4% in January) are counted when the deal is closed.  Economists say new home purchases are a better gauge of the market.  As Californians are well aware, incomes have not kept up with the soaring real estate prices which are reflected in the data.
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Plunge Protection Teams

The Economy: The 2-track global economy continues to manifest. The U.S. expands at a pace that will force the Fed' s hand. The balance of the planet is in various stages of contraction. U.S. real estate may or may not be rolling over … depending on who you're reading or talking with. The rest of the U.S. economy appears to be booming, if the stock market is any indication. China seems to be slowing despite glowing reports by the Chinese Communist Party.
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Caution, Chicken Little or Cockeyed Optimist

The Economy: We're beginning to see consistent evidence that the global economy is slowing. China, Japan, Australia and the EU are embarking on further stimulus efforts. Here at home, recent Fed comments and actions seem to indicate that the tightening cycle is over; a sign of a US slowdown. When it comes to viewing and understanding Fed-Speak, Plato's Cave is the best point of reference. The only thing that matters is what is done, not what is said… or more appropriately …
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Employment, Fraud, and Frocks

The Economy: US Stocks are lower.  Todays employment report number surprised market participants. The employment report is released the first Friday of each month, giving market participants an idea of the current health of the economy.Only 20,000 new jobs were added in February vs. expectations of 180k. This was a real disappointment. It reveals slower growth in nonfarm payroll, but we'll need to wait another month to determine how much slower if at all.
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Fed Reverses Course?

The Economy:  The Fed finished its January meeting Wednesday with a dramatic flip from hawkish to dovish. No change in interest rates and significant revision to their future course of action. The number of rate hikes in 2019 has been reduced from 4 to1; maybe 1 … if financial markets and The Donald agree that it's ok. Shrinking the balance sheet has been dramatically modified with previous lower targets abandoned. Fed Chair Powell has stressed that his Fed is data dependent.
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Back in the Saddle and Back up in Equities

The Economy: We're back in the saddle after a great holiday. The more things change … .We appear to have a 2-speed global economy. The US continues to post stellar numbers; the latest being the blow-out Jobs Report. The rest of the planet appears to be slowing with Europe now following China. Sometimes this bifurcated growth is problematic; sometimes not. Whether this is reflected in financial markets is up to speculation. Earnings season is set to start and we'll see how those numbers look.
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Cracks Appearing, Independent Thinking

The Economy: Holiday Cheer is the global focus. Beaches are packed; Apres Ski at the forefront. The folderol of money and investing is something to think about tomorrow if at all. This week the Fed met and hiked interest rates another 1/4%. Fed Chairman Powell ignored White House pressure to the contrary. Financial markets sold off on the news. To add insult to injury, Powell insisted that shrinking the balance sheet would continue regardless of the blood in the streets.
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Fed Hikes, Facing Taxes and Snow Flurries

The Fed raised interest rates by 0.25 percent to a new range of 2.25%-2.50%. The Fed stated it expects only 2 more rate hikes in 2019 vs. 3, siting weakening economic growth.  This was the 4th rate hike this year.  U.S. stocks reversed a rally and tanked on fear the Fed will not be as accommodating as expected.
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What's next & where to?

The Economy: Stocks rallied and US Treasuries sold off on hope the US and China will continue to work towards a solution vs. a trade war.  Consumers have seen their new worth and confidence soar to records.  The inflation picture remains subdued.  The Fed has met its dual mandate of full employment and a 2% inflation target.  What's next?
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Where are you?

The Economy: Santa or The Grinch? Depends where you are and what you're focused on. US economic numbers remain strong with some softening at the periphery. Global numbers are less robust with China slowing, Brexit stumbling, France rioting and Russia threatening. The Fed has been pounded into discovering that interest rates are at neutral. Oil has been pounded 33% into discovering a new price at $50/barrel. Gold, fixed income and real estate have likewise seen declines.
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Yield curve inversion, College Costs, Festive Diversions

The Economy:  Everything was rosy in the US stock market yesterday on the announcement of a 90-day trade war truce by the US and China.  Today that has been reversed as stocks plummet on the inversion of the US yield curve.  Today we saw the yields on the 2-year and 3-year treasury move higher than the yield on the 5-year treasury.  According to most analysts, an inverted yield curve is a sign of an impending recession within 12-months of the inversion.
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The Fed and Feeling Grateful

The Economy: It's always something. Even in times of milk and honey, whines and groans can be heard from somewhere. Bill Gates has his complaint list too. Yet we've had a decade of unprecedented appreciation in all asset classes. Stocks, bonds, real estate, collectibles and other assets have relentlessly marched upwards. Now the data is beginning to come in mixed and the hot-money is moving to the sidelines.
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Tech stocks, Turkey and Take a look

The Economy:  US stocks are rallying today despite weak economic data.  Tuesday's trading was significant in that US stocks erased gains for the year.  Tech giants that make up the FANG Index dropped into bear territory.  The FANGs are Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google parent Alphabet.  Investors are concerned about economic growth with mixed earnings and trade war tensions. Food for Thought:  W
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Retail Sales, Retail Gauge and Ice Skating Rink

The Economy: Analysts look to October retail sales for guidance on the pace of economic activity as we move through the 4th quarter.  Market participants are looking to measure personal consumption over the holiday shopping season.  Retail reports today pointed to solid growth in sales last month.  Individual spending has increased over the past couple of months at a pace not seen in years. 
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Ramifcations of Higher Rates and Buybacks

The Economy: We're into the Holiday Season with year-end driving all considerations. Mid-term election results have been incorporated into projections. Global financial markets are selling off as uncertainty has provided the trigger for investors exiting overvalued positions. But the world hasn't come to an end … and it won't. However, the narrative has changed from unbridled optimism to a more pessimistic tone. Fed officials seem to be uniformly hawkish.
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Interest Rates higher, Alimony Deadline and Jewelry Saver

The Economy:  The Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged but signaled a hike in December is likely.  The current range is 2.00%-2.25%.  The Fed is anticipating 3 rates hikes in 2019, moving rates to 3%.  Some analysts see 4 hikes in 2019 while others say inflation hovering at 2% reveals underlying economic weakness and the Fed could be 1 and done in December. Food for Thought:  If you are
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Buildup to 2020 Elections and Buy the Dip

The Economy: The Mid-Terms have eclipsed all measure of economic news. With that watershed event behind us, year-end is now in sight. Today the Fed finished its two-day meeting with no change in interest rates. Projections are for another 1/4 point hike in December and 4 more 1/4 point hikes in 2019. But looking out a year and trying to estimate what the Fed will do is a fool's game. Every recession has been preceded by interest rate hikes.
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Heightened worry, Enrollment for healthcare and How to Improve Sleep

The Economy:  The U.S. stock market is selling off today after 3 straight up days.  Apple shares tumble (-6.7%) after revealing stagnant IPhone sales and a lower than expected holiday forecast. New jobs continue to show labor market strength.  Both factory order and durable goods rose more than expected.  Earlier in the week, the home price index for August fell below 6% for the 1st time in 12 months. 
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Stocks Sell-off, Charity Scams and Wax Seals

The Economy:  Today, buy-the-dip market participants did not materialized.  The sell-off in today's U.S. stocks accelerated into the close.  This wiped out the gains for the year for both the Dow and S&P 500.  Yesterday, the US stock markets made a big comeback after plunging in early Tuesday trading. 
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Take Notice

The Economy: Through the hoopla of the mid-terms you can occasionally hear the rumble of thunder. China is supposed to be juggling a slowdown. The EU is supposed to be planning the overthrow of the government of Italy. Russia is supposed to possess new super-weapons. Emerging markets are supposed to be bankrupt because of the rising dollar. Tariffs are supposed to be slowing the global economy. Real estate is supposed to have tipped to a buyer's market.
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Evaluating the Economy and Evaluating your Wealth

The Economy: Evaluating the economy is a matter of thinking locally within the context of the larger national and global picture. The US economy continues to expand as it has done since 2009. A combination of free money from the Fed, rising asset values in real estate/stocks, tax cuts, deficit spending, profit repatriation and a doubling of consumer debt has fueled this growth. All these factors have ended or are close to their limits as the environment has evolved.
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FOMC Minutes, Transitioning Mindset and Wood & Spoon Recipes

The Economy:  Today's focus was on the FOMC release of the minutes from the September 25-26 Fed Policy meeting.  Some of the highlights of the release are:  1) the FOMC sees the risks to the U.S. economy as roughly balanced; 2) Inflation thoughts were mixed with some officials saying that inflation is still too low while others are saying they expect inflation to slightly exceed the 2% target; 3) the Fed is OK with its current balance sheet normalization process;
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Interest Rates Rise and Central Bank Wane ?

The Economy: Mixed news on the economy as we count down to the mid-terms. The Fed has made it clear that tightening is here to stay at least through "neutral." Smart money is saying this is another 1.75-2% on Fed Funds. Mortgages are through 5% and markets have finally begun to take notice. Are these storm clouds going to pass by or are they going to prove more problematic. Word is that real estate in NYC, Seattle and San Francisco has hit the wall.
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Stocks Freefall, The Fed ? and Fun Slippers

The Economy:  Today's US stock market plunged on fears of a trade war with China and higher interest rates.  The Dow closed down 3.15%, the S&P 500 closed down 3.29% and the Nasdaq closed down 4.08%.  This is the biggest drop since February.  Right now, you can earn 2.14% on a 1 month Treasury bill. As interest rates move higher, they compete with investors' money.  
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Yields Climbing, Credit Freezes and Arts Festival

The Economy:  The FOMC unanimously agreed to raise interest rates in-line with market expectations.  The range is now 2.00%-2.25%.  The US treasury market rallied while U.S. stock markets sold off.  The committee dropped "accommodative" from their policy statement.  The markets took this as dovish...the Fed being closer to nearing its rate hiking cycle. 
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Boom Economy, Higher Rates, and Game Plan

The Economy: By all metrics the US Economy continues to boom along. The most important take-away is that the Fed will continue to raise interest rates. The word on the street is that the Fed will continue to tighten "until something breaks." Don't let that something be you caught unaware. We continue to stress the dramatic change in US monetary policy. Interest rates are headed higher and the Fed is reducing their balance sheet. Liquidity will become an increasing issue for busines
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The Fed and Finding you way around Social Security

By Ray The Economy: The Fed met this week and as expected raised interest rates another 25bps (1/4%) to 2.25%. Going forward all new loans and existing loan resets will reflect these higher rates. The Fed remains in a race against time to be at or above 5% on the Fed Funds Rate before the next recession hits. Why 5%? Because the Fed has historically cut rates 5% to salvage the economy in a recession. Kentucky Windage.
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FOMC, Social Security and Adams Ave. Street Fair

By Debbie The Economy:  The FOMC unanimously agreed to raise interest rates in-line with market expectations.  The range is now 2.00%-2.25%.  The US treasury market rallied while U.S. stock markets sold off.  The committee dropped "accommodative" from their policy statement.  The markets took this as dovish...the Fed being closer to nearing its rate hiking cycle.
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Party on Garth - We Quarterback Money®

By Ray Higgins The Economy: The economy appears to be expanding quite nicely and business optimism continues to rise as it approaches new records. The Left Coast, with its gateway to Asian trade, technology and Pentagon spending continues to boom along. Construction cranes fill the skies. New homes are stuffed into every nook and cranny. Roadwork and infrastructure projects are everywhere. New cars abound. Recently launched multi-million dollar yachts overwhelm the docks. Planes are jammed.
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Tariff Tensions and Yield Curve Inversions

By Debbie Higgins The Economy: Investors in the U.S. stock markets are shrugging off any/all tariff concerns. The Nasdaq finished at a new record close on Thursday. This is after a dip in the middle of the week on tariff tensions. Q2 earnings season starts Friday, led by the big banks. On the bond market front, the U.S. treasury yield curve spread drops (2y/10y +26.1 spread; 5y/30y +19.8bps). One more rate hike and the yield curve inverts, historically an indication of an impending recession
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